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Title: M/s
Name: Zamda Ramadhani Geuza
College/School/Division: College of Humanities
Role: Assistant Lecturer
Current Summarised CV:


 PhD in English Studies, University of Exeter, Tanzania – 2021-2024. I am working on a PhD project titled: Investigating Feminist Publishing and Structures of Value: Building Reading Publics and Inclusive Knowledge Bases in Tanzania


 Master of Sciences in Publishing Studies, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya – 2014 - 2016.


My dissertation investigated Tanzania educational publishing for primary and secondary schools textbooks with the aim of reviewing the textbooks vetting and evaluation process in Tanzania in order to propose strategies that would enhance the process.

 Bachelor of Arts in Literature and Language,




 PhD in English Studies, University of Exeter, Tanzania – 2021-2024. I am working on a PhD project titled: Investigating Feminist Publishing and Structures of Value: Building Reading Publics and Inclusive Knowledge Bases in Tanzania


 Master of Sciences in Publishing Studies, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya – 2014 - 2016.


My dissertation investigated Tanzania educational publishing for primary and secondary schools textbooks with the aim of reviewing the textbooks vetting and evaluation process in Tanzania in order to propose strategies that would enhance the process.

 Bachelor of Arts in Literature and Language, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - 2009 – 2012.



1. Assistant Lecturer – UDSM. Centre for Communication Studies. College of Humanities.


Period: 1 December 2016 to date.


-Communication Skills

 Introduction to Publishing



 Teaching and coordinating seminars/tutorials for undergraduate courses.

 Supervising Undergraduate students


2. Consultant and Academic Publishing advisor of the Dar es Salaam University Press (DUP) 2019- 2020

I was involved on a number of activities including, providing editorial advice for the DUP revamp project, preparing the Strategic Plan for revitalizing DUP as well as Publishing management activities responsible for recruitment and in-house editorial training. 2


3. Member of the Scientific Committee for Literation Struggle in in the Southern Africa, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) Tanzania Liberation Heritage Programme November 2016 to June, 2017.


I was responsible to review the Hashim Mbita’s Southern African Liberation Struggle Volumes, collect oral testimonies and propose ways of incorporating endangered oral testimonies from the literation fighters for documentation. As one of the members of the Scientific Committee I was also responsible in developing interview research tools to be used in the project. In addition, I was responsible to search and prepare a bibliography of publications of the Southern African liberation struggles for future documentation.


4. Editorial Consultant, The Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV)– June 2017 – September 2020


I have been working on various editorial and translation projects with SNV from June 2017 to date. I have managed to learn some new skills especially on translating scientific works for public. I have also shared my knowledge on various issues when consulted.


5. Reviewer, Researcher and editor, University of Dar es Salaam (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) June 2017 – to September 2020


Editor of the University of Dar es Salaam documents including: Annual Report, Almanac, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Prospectus for the year 2016/2017 and 2017/2018.


6. Managing Editor of Ediho Lokanga Book Project – November 2016 to June 2017


I was responsible to coordinate the translation, editing and designing of three books written by Ediho Lokanga on poems and physics in English and Swahili.


7. Part time Editor and Translator, Tanzania Interpreters, translators, Editors and Linguists (TITEL) Consultancy Ltd - March 2014 – December, 2016


I was editing and translating various documents commissioned to the organisation and assisting on managing consultancy projects.


8. Part time Translator, Muhimbili College of Health and Allied Sciences (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) – January 2014 – November 2015


I was translating Swahili interviews about Maternal and Child Health care of the Muhimbili College of Health and Allied Sciences and JPIENGO Programme into English.


9. Editor, Mkuki na Nyota Publishers Ltd, (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania July 2012 to November 2013


I was working as assistant editor and later on (January 2013) promoted on full editor of the Swahili section. I was working as a copy-editor, proofreader and translator of manuscripts in Swahili section. I was also involvement other stages manuscript processing: book selection, sales and marketing as well as promotion.


MSc. Moi

Specialised areas of teaching: publishing, women’s studies

Research interests: publishing, women’s studies

Recent projects:

  • Investigating Feminist Publishing and Structures of Value: Building Reading Publics and Inclusive Knowledge Bases in Tanzania (PhD Project)


  • Press, Print, and Publishing in Tanzania since Independence edited volume with Prof. Emma Hunter (University of Edinburgh) and Dr. George Roberts (King’s College London)


Recent publications:

Zamda R. Geuza and Kate Wallis (2022). New Cartographies for World Literary Space: Locating Pan-African Publishing and Prizing

‘Reading Dar es Salaam’s (Female-led) Book Clubs as Paravirtual Networks’ (with Zamda Geuza), Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies, DOI: 10.1080/23277408.2021.1920121

Rotich, Daniel, J. Kogos, Emily and Geuza, Zamda (2018). ‘An Investigation of Textbook Vetting and Evaluation Process in Tanzania’, Publishing Research Quarterly, Vol. 34 (1).

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