Contact details
Title: Dr
Name: Evaristi Magoti Cornelli
College/School/Division: College of Humanities
Role: Senior Lecturer
Current Summarised CV:

Working at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
College of Humanities,
University of Dar es Salaam
Mobile: +255 (0) 784-463760 OR 255 (0) 624074317
DoB: 24th October 1958
Nationality: Tanzanian
Employment: University of Dar-es-salaam.............From 2002 to Present
Position: Senior Lecturer: From December 2018 to present
Higher Education:
1. PhD in Philosophy (2008-2012), from the University of
Birmingham.....................Birmingham, United Kingdom; PhD Thesis: A Critical Analysis of
Nyerere’s Ujamaa: An Investigation of its Foundations and Values
2. MA in Religious Studies (1984-1990), Catholic University of Leuven or Louvain.......Louvain
Brussels, Dissertation: A Theology of Death in Karl Rahner
3. BA in Theology: (1984-1990); Catholic University of Leuven or Louvain ...Louvain, Brussels,
Studies: Philosophy and Theology
Recent Publications:
1. Dokman, F., and Cornelli, E., (Sept. 2022), Beyond Bantu Philosophy:
Contextualizing Placide Tempel’s Initiative in African Thought, Routledge, London,
New York
2. Cornelli, E., (2022), The Origin of Tempels’ Bantu Philosophy, in Beyond Bantu
Philosophy: Contextualizing Placide Tempel’s Initiative in African Thought,
Routledge, London, New York, pp. 1-19
3. Cornelli, E., (2021), Tanzania: If not Ujamaa, Then What? In How Theology Serves:
Reflections on Professor Kanyandago’s Contribution to African Theology, Institute of
Missiology, Germany, pp. 143-167
4. Cornelli, E., (2020), a book review of Alexis Bekyane Tengan, Of Life and Health:
The Language of Art and Religion in an African Medical System. New York:
Berghahn Books, 2019. Pp. ix + 242. ISBN: 978-1-78920-101-7 hardback / 978-1-
78920-102-4 ebook in UTAFITI 15.1 (2020) 191-195
5. Cornelli, E., (2018)“Decolonizing African Christian Spirituality,” UTAFITI, Journal
of African Perspectives, VOL.13, No. 1, 2018, pp.77-92
6. Cornelli, E., (2017) ‘Inter-religious Relations in Sub-Saharan Africa’, in Kenneth R.
Ross, Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, Todd Johnson (eds), Edinburgh Companions to
Global Christianity Vol 1: Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa, Edinburgh University
Press, Edinburgh, Scotland.
7. Cornelli, E., (2017), Pray Unceasingly (1 Thessalonian 5:17): A Reflective NonCommentary, in UTAFITI, Journal of African Perspectives, VOL.12, No.1/2,
2016/2017, pp. 71-90
Research Interests: African Philosophy, African religion, and African Political Thoughts
Specialized areas of teaching: Ethics, African Philosophy and Religion, and Religious
Recent Research Project: Indigenous Knowledge and Endangered Legacies in Tanzania
(IKELT). The project collects, documents, disseminates, and preserves indigenous
knowledge which is in danger of disappearing.

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