USAID (Rufiji)

Climate Resilience of Rice and Maize in the Rufiji Basin (2013-2016)


This is a three year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by the University of Dar es Salaam in collaboration with Michigan State University. The project focuses on rice production in Kilombero district and maize production in Kilosa district, both in Morogoro Region. The project aims at contributing to the enhancement of rice and maize production in the Rufiji Basin by recommending practical climate change adaptation strategies and interventions based on scientific data and analyses, and stakeholders engagement in the development of recommended adaptation options and/or plans at village, district and Basin Level, build capacity of stakeholders on climate change related issues as well as facilitating integration of adaptation plans into sectoral plans and programs. The recommended adaptation plans will include among other things, improved land and water management and appropriate agricultural practices.


The project also intends to undertake analyses of climate impacts on rice and maize crops, analyses of spatial and temporal recent and projected future changes in the region for improved land and water management, link climate data to hydrological model and crop model, examine adaptation options in the models and develop land use change model, disseminate research findings on climate change impacts on water and crop yields in the project area, synthesize research finding and information from experts for recommendation of adaptation strategies, undertake capacity building and participatory development of improved recommended climate change adaptation strategies, and undertake capacity building and dialogue with policy and decision makers to facilitate integration of adaptation strategies into relevant sectoral plans and programs.