The Department of Geography in collaboration with the University of Cape Town’s Environmental Humanities South (EHS) is implementing a four-year research project namely: Critical Zones Africa, South and East (CzASE). The project is funded by the Science for Africa Foundation (SFA). It brings several other African research institutions including Addis Ababa University, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR), University of Zimbabwe, Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) of South Africa and University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment).

The Financial Administrator will provide efficient and effective financial management for the CzASE Project. The Financial Administrator shall report to the Head of the Department of Geography on matters related to day-to-day project operations. 

  • To manage CzASE finances and financial reporting including collection of receipts for project activities and travel funds;
  • Preparing monthly bank reconciliation statements and proper books of accounts;
  • Preparing financial statements;
  • Preparing payment vouchers on day to day basis;


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