University of Dar es Salaam Annual Innovation and Entrepreneurship Challenge: UD-AIEC 2019
“Creating Youth employment by turning challenges into innovative business opportunities and startups”
You are a UDSM student/graduate in any of the undergraduate and graduate (inc. PhD) programs
You have observed a challenge or problem in the agriculture or energy sectors and Environment issues
in Tanzania that affect our livelihood
You have an idea to solve this challenge through a project and therefore improve our livelihood
Find friends (up to a maximum of 5) who share your feelings on the challenge and the dream project idea
Log in to this link to participate in the newly introduced UDSM Annual
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Challenge
o Deadline for submission of applications: 14th April 2019 at 2200 Hrs
o Announcement of the Semi finalists: 16th April 2019
o Training on Pitching skills to the Semi-finalists: 18th April 2019
o Semi-final round/ Pitching event of the Semi-finalists: 27th April 2019
o Final pitching event and Announcement of winners: 4th May 2019 For more information about the competition see attachment
Attachment: 20190313_031531_UDSM_UDSM Annual Innovation and Entrepreneurship Challenge 2019.pdf