The University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) recognises the place and role of her graduates in developing and improving academic programmes and other related activities. This has led to the establishment of the Directorate of Internationalisation and Convocation and Advancement (DICA) which is responsible, among other things, to establish a strong linkage between UDSM and her alumni. The University has planned to undertake two major activities in partnership with alumni. These are:
i. Conducting a university-wide tracer study prior to her curriculum review process across all her academic units. The success of this endeavour depends very much on the valuable contributions of graduates in the job market, and
ii. Establishing Regional Alumni Chapters all over the country so as to improve the contact between the University and the Industry through alumni database.
The University values the alumni database as it creates cohesion that has the following advantages among others:
UDSM is hereby inviting all her alumni to share their contact information and promises that the data provided will be kept confidential and used by UDSM only for tracing graduates and alumni activities. Kindly fill in the short form below and kindly circulate it to your fellow UDSM alumni.
Form Link: