The Research Chair on Forced Displacement of the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM-RCFD), under a research project titled: “Strengthening knowledge, evidence use and leadership in the global south on forced displacement: with a focus on East Africa” funded by the International Development Research centre (IDRC) of Canada, invites applications for a post-doctoral research position (one position). We are seeking a candidate whose PhD or master’s research aligns with one of the following topics/focal areas:
(i) Refugees, IDPS and asylum seekers from conflicts
(ii) Internally Displaced Persons from climate–related disaster
(iii) Development/project induced displacement
(iv) Marginalized/indigenous population facing exclusion,relocation or forced displacement.
The UDSM-RCFD is interested in livelihood, socio-economic, legal, gender and inclusive policy issues of the displaced and their agency.