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Chang'ombe Demonstration Primary School

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About the School:

Chang’ombe Demonstration Primary School was a Swahili public primary school established in 1959 with registration number DS.03/02/005 under the former Dar es Salaam Teachers’ Training College (DTC) before the registration number was changed to EM. 4058. Upon the establishment of Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) in 2005 the school was made part of the College with other demonstration schools (Pre School and Secondary). The school has been operating in both Swahili Medium and English Medium classes since its transformation from Swahili to English Medium in 2017. Currently, the school an English Medium School.

The school meant to save as a centre for student teachers at the College to learn by doing through micro-teaching sessions. It serves both the public and DUCE community. The current school population is 933, with 479 boys and 454 girls. Correspondingly, the school has 36 teachers. The school uses the National Curriculum recommended by the Government.  

The School Core Functions is to:

  • ensure the broad-based development of pupils by considering their cognitive, social, emotional, cultural and physical skills to the best of their abilities, preparing and caring them for their school career and welfare in and outside classrooms,
  • cultivate a positive learning environment,
  • enable pupils acquiring literacy, numeracy, creativity and communication skills,
  • enjoy learning and develop desire to continue learning,
  • develop ability for critical thinking and logical judgment,
  • appreciate and respect the dignity of work,
  • develop desirable social standards, moral and religious values,
  • develop into a self-disciplined, physically fit and healthy person,
  • develop aesthetic values and appreciate own and other people's cultures,
  • develop awareness and appreciation of the environment,
  • develop awareness of and appreciation for other nations and international community,
  • instill respect and love for own country and the need for harmonious co-existence,
  • develop individual talents,
  • promote social responsibility and make proper use of leisure time, and
  • Development awareness and appreciation of the role of technology.