Senior Lecturer, College of Social Sciences




2013-2019                      Environmental Flow Assessment of Zigi, Kihanai, Rukwa, Mara, Ruvu and Wami River Basins, University of Dar es Salaam

2015-2016                      Land Cover Land Use Change and Implication to Biodiversity in Kihansi Catchment, NEMC, Dar es Salaam



29th-31st August 2018: FOSS4G Conference, Julius Nyerere International Conference Centre, Dar es Salaam

29th May – 1st June 2017, Lower Kihansi Environmental Management Workshop, NEMC, MOROGORO -Tanzania

26th-30th November 2012, Biomass Estimation and Mapping: From Carbon Policy to Technical Training, Bagamoyo, Coast Region, ROYAL NORWEGIAN EMBASSY, GOOGLE EARTH OUTREACH, NASA SERVIR- APPLIED SCIENCE PROGRAM, the Jane Goodall Institute-Tanzania

18th-19th October 2012, 1st Tanzanian Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Dar E salaam, UDSM, TPDC, EWURA, Ministry of Energy and Miners,

17th-25th March, 2010, Forestry Inventory Training Workshop; Morogoro, 3rd NAFORMA Training Workshop, FAO,


Mwanukuzi P. K. (2017) Land Use Land Cover Change and Implication to Biodiversity in Kihansi Catchment, Tanzanian Journal of Science,( in press)

Majule, A.E., Maganga, F.P, Abdalah, J. and Mwanukuzi, P. K.  (2017) Implications of Present and Future Land cover Change on Small Holder Agriculture within the Context of REDD+ in Tanzania: A Case Of Mgori Forests in Singida Rural District.

Khatib, M. M., Shaghude Y. W. & Mwanukuzi, P.K.  (2016) Spatial and temporal Analysis of Changes in the Zanzibar Urban West Coastal Forests and the Resultant Implication on Human Livelihood Accesses at

Mbonile, M.J. Mkindi, A. Sokoni, C. H. and Mwanukuzi P.K (2016) Mapping Poverty, Vulnerability and Resources Rights in Kilindi District, Tanzania, Journal of Geographical Association of Tanzania

Møller-Jensen L, Kiduanga, J. Mwanukuzi, P.K., and Fog, B. (2012) New tools for public participation in urban planning-a case from Dar Es salaam, Geoforun Perspecktiv, nr. 21 2012, pp29-34

Mwanukuzi P.K. (2010) Environmental flow assessment of the Usangu wetland and Great Ruaha River; Geormorphological Component; Geomorphologic and vegetation dynamics with implication to changing flows, Ruaha Water Program Report, WWF-Tanzania, p.25.

Mwanukuzi P.K. (2010) Impact of non-livelihood based land management on land resources: the case of upland wetlands in Uporoto Mountains, South West Tanzania, The Geographical Journal, DOI:10.111/j.1475-4959.2010.00362.x

Mwanukuzi, P. K. (2009) Impact of eucalyptus and pine growing on rural livelihood: the lesson from Bukoba area, north western Tanzania, African Journal of Ecology, 47 (Suppl. 1), 105–109.



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