Ph.D (Education), University of Dar es salaam, Tanzania
Educational Leadership and School Management
Urio, Perpetua J. Murphy Susan P, Moses, Ikupa, Chua, Consolata and Darkwa, Immanuel, (2021). Exploring the Gendered Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Academic Staff in Tanzania, in African Universities and the COVID-19 Pandemic, special issue, Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives (2021): pp 61-72.
Urio Perpetua J. (2023) Educational Leadership Practices that Sustains School Improvement in selected Secondary Schools in Tanzania. Journal of Education and Practice (Online) Vol.14, No.15, pp. 137-150. DOI. 10.7176/JEP/14-15-14.
Macha, Linda Francis Urio, Perpetua John and Manase, Joseph (2023) A Bibliometric Analysis on Vocational Education and Training Institutions in Promoting Entrepreneurial Competences. CU Global Management Review. 12(2) pp. 3-14
Urio, P. J., & Nziku, C. N. (2024). Career Pathways: Studying the Factors Influencing Career Choice and Change Among Graduate Students in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. International Journal of Educational Reform.
Murphy, S.P., & Urio, P.J. (Eds.). (2024). Gender-Inclusive Higher Education in Tanzania: Transforming Academia (1st ed.). Routledge.
Mpangala, C. S. and Urio, P. J. (2024). School Leadership Styles and Teachers’ Satisfaction: A Case of Secondary Schools in Kigamboni District, Tanzania. East African Journal of Management and Business Studies 4(2), 1-11. DOI:
Urio, P. J., & Manase, J. (2024). Leading for Quality: Reflection on School Heads Roles and Tasks in Promoting Quality Education in Tanzania Community Secondary Schools. Journal of School Leadership, 34(6), 494-515.
Book chapters
1. Urio, PJ & Murphy, SP (2024) Introduction and Challenge In - Gender-Inclusive Higher Education in Tanzania, in Murphy S.P and Urio P.J (Eds) (2024) Gender-Inclusive Higher Education in Tanzania: Transforming Academia, (1st edn). Routledge. pp. 1-12
2. Murphy, SP Urio, PJ. & Moses, I. (2024). The Slow Path of Progress from Institutionalising Gender Mainstreaming to Internalising Equitable Gender Norms: A Case Study of a Tanzanian Higher Education Institution in Murphy S.P and Urio P.J (Eds) (2024) Gender-Inclusive Higher Education in Tanzania: Transforming Academia, (1st edn). Routledge pp.163-180
3. Chua, C., Devine, C., Urio, PJ., Moses, I.,& Murphy SP (2024) To What Degree Do Students' Perceptions of Gender Norms Influence Their Participation in Higher Learning? Case Study of Trainee-Teachers in Tanzania in Murphy S.P and Urio P.J (Eds) (2024) in Gender-Inclusive Higher Education in Tanzania: Transforming Academia, (1st edn). Routledge pp.129-145.
4. Urio, PJ & Moses, I (2024)Transforming Gender Relations and Dynamics Through Active Learning: A Case Study of the Effects of Gender Responsive Pedagogy Training at Dar es Salaam University College of Education in in Murphy S.P and Urio P.J (Eds) (2024) Gender-Inclusive Higher Education in Tanzania: Transforming Academia (1st edn) Routledge pp.146-162
5. Murphy, SP., Urio, PJ., Darkwa, I Raphael, & C Moses, I. (2024) The Promise and Perils of a Feminist Participatory Action Research Project: Insights from the GATE Project in in Murphy S.P and Urio P.J (Eds) (2024)Gender-Inclusive Higher Education in Tanzania: Transforming Academia. (1st edn). Routledge, pp 97-114
6. Moses, I., Urio, PJ.& Murphy SP (2024) Gender Equality Practices in Higher Learning Institutions in Tanzania: Opportunities and Challenges in Murphy S.P and Urio P.J (Eds) (2024)Gender-Inclusive Higher Education in Tanzania: Transforming Academia. (1st edn). Routledge, pp 15-38
7. Mudawi, S Murphy, SP Urio, PJ. & Moses I. (2024) Case Study: Disruptive Development: Exposing and Unpacking Accounts of Gender Stereotyping in a Teacher-Training College–Tanzania. In in Murphy S.P and Urio P.J (Eds) (2024) Gender-Inclusive Higher Education in Tanzania: Transforming Academia, (1st edn). Routledge. pp 115-128
Mwakitalu, Anna, Marphy, Susan and Urio, Perpetua (2020) Exploring Gender Equality in Leadership Positions of HEI of Tanzania: Reality and Challenges. A paper presented on a National Workshop of Gender Issues in Higher Learning Institution held on 20th November 2020 at DUC
Urio, Perpetua J. Murphy Susan P, Moses, Ikupa, Chua, Consolata and Darkwa, Immanuel, (2021). Exploring the Gendered Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Academic Staff in Tanzania. A paper submitted to International Conference on Gender Studies in Africa (ICGSA) IN Makerere University School of Women and Gender Studies ON 23 – 25 February 2022.
Murphy, Susan., Urio, Perpetua., Moses, Ikupa., Chua, Consolata, and Mudawi Samar (2022) The politics of place and social space: The influence of institutional habitus on gender mainstreaming in Tanzanian higher education. A paper presented in International conference for Sustainable development (ICSD) 20th -23rd September 2022 New York.
Mudawi, Samar., Murphy, Susan, Urio, Perpetua, Moses, Ikupa, Chua, Consolata (2022) Exploring Accounts of Gender Stereotyping in a Teacher-Training College - Tanzania A paper presented in International conference for Sustainable development (ICSD) 20th -23rd September 2022 New York.
Urio P.J (2023) Transforming Gender Relations and Dynamics Through Active Learning Case Study of the Effects of Gender Responsive Pedagogy Training
At DUCE . Paper presented in Symposium on international collaborations. Trinity College Dublin Ireland: 17-21 0ctober 2022, and 18-19 January 2023 at Dar es salaam University College of Education Tanzania sponsored by Irish Aid.