Associate Professor, Institute of Kiswahili Studies

Bachelor, MA, PhD Dar


Translation, Interpreting, Terminology and Semantics


Translation, Interpreting, Terminology and Semantics

Prof. Pendo Malangwa is a member of Chama cha Ukuzaji wa Kiswahili Duniani (CHAUKIDU), Member of Chama cha Kiswahili Afrika Mashariki (CHAKAMA), member and Education Head of Association of Tanzania Professionals and Entrepreneurs (ATAPE) and other local associations. She is a Founder and Director of social impact group of Ellen Singers, impacting lives of Tanzanian women, youth and elderly.


Translation Studies Arrow in East Africa

In the Quality Assurance Unit, Prof. Pendo Malangwa facilitated the review of the 2007 Policy and published the current Quality Assurance Policy (2021). Under her Leadership and through the revised Policy, three departments of Quality Assurance were established at the University, namely; the Department of Teaching and Learning, Department of Support Services and the Department of Research, Publication and Innovation. Under her leadership, Prof. Malangwa started the digitalization of the monitoring tools at QAU.

Besides leadership in the QAU, Prof. Malangwa researches, supervises postgraduate researches and publishes a lot in her areas of specialization (i.e. Translation, Interpreting, Terminology and Semantics). In 2020 Prof. Pendo Malangwa was invited as Keynote Speaker at the 2nd Africa International Translation Conference (AITCO 2020), besides presenting papers in other international and local conferences. In 2017, Prof. Malangwa received an award from Yale University, USA to attend and make special presentation at the 21st ALTA Annual Conference.  Prof. Malangwa also is one of beneficiary of LCCT Fellowship (2008). She is a well experienced translator and interpreter.


  1. Bachelor, MA, PhD Dar

    Specialised areas of teaching: Translation, Interpreting, Terminology and Semantics

    Research interests: Translation, Interpreting, Terminology and Semantics

    Recent projects: Translation Studies Arrow in East Africa

    Recent publications: (for the last 10 years)

  2. Malangwa, P. and Mukandabvute, A. A. (2023) A Psycholinguistic Analysis of Speech Errors in Kiswahili. In Utafiti Journal of African Perspectives, Vol. 18, 62–83.
  3. Nyangaywa, M. and Malangwa, P. (2022) Tathmini ya Matumizi na Kukubalika kwa Istilahi za Simu kwa Wazungungumzaji wa Kiswahili Nchini Tanzania. In Kioo cha Lugha, Vol. 20, No.2, 257-268.
  4. Kibiki, M. J. and Malangwa, P.S. (2022) Dhima za Kialami Pragmatiki ‘mh’ katika Mazungumzo ya Kiswahili. In Nuru ya Kiswahili, Vol.1, No.2, 59-87.
  5. Liyenja, M., Malangwa, P. and Asheli, N. (2022) Quality Assessment of English-Kiswahili Sermon Interpreting from Selected Churches in Dar es Salaam: The Case of Sence Consistency with the Origional Message. In Journal of Linguistics and Language in Education, Vol. 16, No. 1, 132-150.
  6. Mwaipaja, M. & Malangwa, P.S. (2022) Changamoto za Mbinu za Kutathmini Tafsiri. In Mwanga wa Lugha, Vol.7, No. 1, 151-158.
  7. Malangwa, P.S. & Kitundu G.J. (2021) Kategoria za Maneno zenye Sinonimu za Asili na za Mkopo katika Kiswahili. In Mulika, Vol. 40, No. 2, 23-41.
  8. Malangwa, P.S. & Kitundu G.J. (2021) Ruwaza ya Utatu wa Sinonimu za Asili na za Mkopo katika Kiswahili. In Kioo cha Lugha, Vol. 19, No. 2, 103-122.
  9. Malangwa, P.S. (2019) Neologisms Translated into Kiswahili and the Effects Created by the Attitude of the Speakers. In Kiswahili Journal, No. 82, 44-57.
  10. Malangwa, P.S. & Kitundu G.J. (2019) Ujenzi wa Maana katika Sitiari na Tashibiha za Kiswahili. In Kioo cha Lugha Journal, No. 17, 75-98.
  11. Malangwa, P.S., Ngesu, S. N. M. & Kandagor, M. (2019) Tathmini ya Mikakati ya Tafsiri ya Vinay na Derbelnet (2014) katika Tafsiri ya A Good Day (2019). In Mwanga wa Lugha, Vol.4, No.1.
  12. Malangwa, P.S. and Chacha, L.M. (2019) Semantiki. Nairobi: Longhorn Publishers PLC.
  13. Malangwa, P.S. (2019) English Feature in Kiswahili Social Media. In Utafiti Journal of African Perspectives, Vol.14.1,  116-131.
  14. Malangwa, P.S. (2018) Terminological Challenges and their Impact on the Translation of Specialized Texts: An Analysis of Pharmaceutical Translations from English into Kiswahili. In Kioo cha Lugha Journal, Vol.16, 125-138.
  15. Malangwa, P.S. (2018) Challenges of Teaching Kiswahili Polysems and Homanyms through Translation in Foreign Language Classes. In JULACE: Journal of the University of Namibia Language Centre, Vol. 3, No.2.
  16. Malangwa, P.S. and Kibiki, M.J. (2018) Dhima za Kipragmatiki za Kialami Pragmatiki ‘eh’ katika Kiswahili cha Mazungumzo. In Mwanga wa Lugha, Vol.2, No.2, 13-33.
  17. Malangwa, P.S. (2017) The significance of Cross-Fertilization Practices in Kiswahili Technical and Specialized Translation. In the Journal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (JSHss), Vol.6, No. 1, 181-199.
  18. Malangwa, P.S. (2017) Usaguzi wa Kijinsia kwenye Nadharia za Tafsiri na Vitendo. In Istilahi, Ukalimani, Tafsiri na Nadharia za Lugha. Dar es Salaam: Daud Publishing Company Limited, 157-167.
  19. Malangwa, P.S. (2017) Mchango, Maendeleo na Changamoto Zinazokabili Taaluma ya Tafsiri na Ukalimani katika Kiswahili. In Lugha na Fasihi katika Karne ya 21. Eldoret: Moi University Press, 267-277.
  20. Malangwa, P.S. (2014) Challenges of Translating Cultural Expressions in Teaching Kiswahili to Foreigners. In Kiswahili Journal, No. 78, 104-117. 
  21. Malangwa, P.S. (2012) Mwalimu J.K. Nyerere as an African Rewriter: The Case of Kiswahili Creative Translations and Rewritings. In the Journal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (JSHss), Vol.1, No. 2.
  22. Malangwa, P.S. na E. Chabata (2012) Terminology Development in Shona and Kiswahili: A Source or Target-Oriented Approach? In Dzimbahwe Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.1 No. 1, Masyingo-GZU.
  23. Malangwa, P.S. (2012) Mapitio ya Kitabu cha Misingi ya Ukalimani na Tafsiri cha Francis Wanjala. In Kiswahili Journal, No. 75, IKS.
  24. Malangwa, P.S. (2012) Mbinu Mbalimbali za Kutathmini Tafsiri. In Kioo cha Lugha Journal, No. 10, IKS.
  25. Malangwa, P.S. (2012) Overcoming the Barriers through Literal and Descriptive Translations: Examples of Kanga Names. In the Journal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (JSHss), Vol.1, No. 1.
  26. Malangwa, P.S. (2012) Uzingatiaji wa Vipengele vya Kimuundo katika Tafsiri za Awali katika Kiswahili na Lugha nyingine za Kibantu. In Mulika Journal, No. 31, IKS.