Senior Lecturer, College Of Natural And Applied Sciences

• PhD (Nuclear Physics) Korea University (Seoul) 2014 - 2018 • MSc. (Physics) University of Dar es Salaam 2008 - 2011 • BSc. (Ed) (Hons) University of Dar es Salaam 2005 - 2008


  • M.J. Kumwenda and J.K Ahn (2022), Unfolding of Bremsstrahlung Photons Energy Spectra Emitted From 28-GHZ ECR Ion Source, JACoW-LINAC2022-THPOPA04 Conf. Proc.
  • M.J. Kumwenda (2021), Determination of Angular Distribution of Bremsstrahlung Spectral Temperature Measured at the Centre Position of Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source. Journal of Education, Humanities and Science (JEHS) 10(4), 133-140.      
  • P.J. Mwinuka, C.B.S Uiso, L. Chang’a and M.J. Kumwenda (2021), The Atmospheric Instability Condition During Rain Seasons over Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Science (TJS) 47(5), 243-257.    
  • P.J. Mwinuka, C.B.S Uiso, L. Chang’a and M.J. Kumwenda (2021), Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Surface Relative Humidity in Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Science (TJS) 47(1), 243-257.
  • M.J. Kumwenda (2020), Deconvolution of Mono-energetic and Multi-Lines Gamma-Ray Spectra Obtained with NaI(Tl) Scintillation Detectors Using Direct Matrix Inversion Method. Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology (TJET), 39 (2), 17-28.
    • M.J. Kumwenda (2020), Comparisons of Experimental and Monte Carlo Simulation of Angular Distributions of Bremsstrahlung Photons in 28-GHZ ECR Ions source. Tanzania Journal of Science (TJS), 46 (2), 449-459.
  • M.J. Kumwenda, J.K Ahn, J.W Lee, I.J Lugendo, S.J Kim, J.Y Park, M.S Won (2019), Bremsstrahlung Photons Emissions in 28-GHz Electrons Cyclotron Resonance Plasma, JACoW-Cyclotrons2019-TUP028 Conf. Proc. 220 – 223.
  • I.J. Lugendo, J.K Ahn, M.J Kumwenda J.W Lee, S.H Hwang and B. Hong (2019), Lifetime Measurement of the First Excited 5/2+ State in 133Cs using NaI(Tl) and LaBr3(Ce) Detectors, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 150 (2019), 141 – 145.

Membership and Registration:


  • Member: Tanzania Physical Society (TPS)
  • Member: Korea Physical Society (KPS)
  • Member: American Physical Society (APS)