Lecturer, Dar Es Salaam University College Of Education

PhD in Materials Science and Engineering – The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST)


  • Physical Chemistry


  • Physical Chemistry, corrosion inhibition by natural and inorganic inhibitors.
  •  Enzyme kinetics, reaction mechanisms and structural determination


  • Accelerating Natural Products Antimalarial Drug Discovery using Artificial Intelligence and Atomistic Simulations. Researchers: Grace Kinunda (PI), Geradius Deogratias, Lucas Paul Luchemba, Michael Joseph Ryoba, Olivia Kalokora, Stephen Nyandoro. Amount: 29,225,000.00 TZS. Duration: 1 year (April 2023 to March 2024). Funding: UDSM the 5th Call for competitive research and innovation grants 2022/20223.


  1. Paul, L., Shadrack, D. M., Mudogo, C. N., Mtei, K. M., Machunda, R. L., & Ntie-Kang, F. (2022). Structural characterization of cassava linamarase-linamarin enzyme complex: an integrated computational approach. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 40(19), 9270-9278.
  2. Paul, L., & Machunda, R.L. (2021). Thermodynamic, Activation Energies and Adsorption Studies of Aloe lateritia As Mild steel Corrosion Inhibitor in 2M Hydrochloric Acid. Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering. In press.
  3. Paul, L., Mudogo, C. N., Mtei, K. M., Machunda, R. L., & Ntie-Kang, F. (2020). A computer-based approach for developing linamarase inhibitory agents. Physical Sciences Reviews, 5(7).
  4. Paul, L., & Machunda, R. L. (2016). Investigation of Aloe lateritia Gel as Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel in 2 M HNO 3 and 1 MH 2 SO 4 Media. Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, 4(01), 33.