Bachelor of Education in Arts, University of Dodoma, MA (Linguistics) and PhD (Linguistics), University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Undergraduate Courses Taught
CL 106: Communication Skills for Social Sciences,
LL 101: Introduction to Linguistic Structure,
LL 103: General Phonetics,
LL 201: Linguistic Theory,
LL 205: The Structure of a Non-Bantu Language,
LL 305: Bantu Language Structure
Postgraduate Courses Taught
ML 631: Advanced Phonology
ML 650: Research Methods for Linguists
Nilo-Saharan Linguistics, Cognitive Semantic, Onomastics and Public Speaking
Mdoe, K. 2020. Semantics, Morphology and Gender Marking in Datooga Personal Names.
Journal of Linguistics and Language in Education, 14(2) 129-150.
Mdoe, K. (2023) The Integration of Nouns from English and Kiswahili into the Grammar
of Datooga Language Spoken in Tanzania. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 12(1) 67-79.
Mdoe, K. (2024) Onomatopoeia in Datooga Nouns. Ghana Journal of Linguistics, 13(1) 90-105.
Mdoe, K. (2024) Gender in Datooga. South Africa Journal of African Languages, 44(2) 188-193.
Mdoe, K. (2024) Compounding in Datooga Nouns. SKASSE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics,
21(2) 18-38.