Lecturer, Institute of Development Studies






5.1.1 Msinde J. (2011) Pastoral livelihoods in Tanzania, Rural –Urban Migration as a Risk      spreading Mechanism for Pastoralists, Lambert Academic publishing, Germany


5.2 Book Chapters

Msinde, J, and Urassa, J (2021) Off-Farm Employment Response to Idiosyncratic Shocks to Crop Income in Kilombero Valley, Tanzania in Doubling farmers Incomes, Issues, Strategies and Recommendation. Edited by Sahrma, S and Rawat, A. AkiNik Publications, New Delhi

Book DOI: 


5.3.1. Msinde, J.; Urassa, J. K.; Nadhan (2015). The role of social capital in a household's choice to engage in off-farm employment in Kilombero Valley, Tanzania. Journal of continuing Education and Extension (JCEE),6,(2)951-969


5.3.2 Msinde, J, Urassa, J., Nathan, 1 (2016). Off-farm Employment and Income Poverty in Favourable Agro-climatic Areas of Tanzania: Evidence from Kilombero Valley. Developing Countries Studies. (6): 47-60.



5.3.3 Msinde, J and Salehe, F.(2017) What Role for Remittances in Farm Inputs Expenditure among Paddy Farming Households?A Case Study of Kilombero Valley, Tanzania. Asian Research Journal of Arts & Social Sciences 2(4): 1-9,


5.3.4. Msinde, J (2017). What role for Social Capital on Crop Income Shock? a case of Paddy Farming Households in Kilombero Valley, Tanzania. International Journal of Arts and Humanities. 1 (9) 813-829


5.3.5. Haji, A., Salehe, F.S., Msinde, J(2018) Adoption of Rainfed Paddy Production Technologies among Smallholder Farmers: A Case of Central District- Zanzibar, Tanzania. Asian Research Journal of Agriculture  8(2): 1-19


5.3.6. Msinde, J (2018). Social Capital and Expenditure on Farm Inputs: A Case Study of Paddy Farming Households in Kilombero Valley, Tanzania. Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International 14(1): 1-10,


5.3.1. Msinde, J.; Urassa, J. K.; Nadhan (2015). Farm and Off-farm likages: The effect of off-fam Employment on Farm Inputs and Labour Allocation in Kilombero Valley,, Tanzania. The East African Journal of Social Sciences and humanities (EAJSSH),1,(6) 20-29