Lecturer in the Department of History, Political Science and Development Studies, Dar Es Salaam University College Of Education

2023: University of Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, PhD in Historical Sciences, 2015: University of Dar es Salaam, M.A History, 2008: University of Dar es Salaam, B.A with Education, Hons


History of Tanzania, Themes in African History, History of East Africa, History of West Africa, Capitalism and Imperialism in World History, Industrialization and the Rise of Working Class in Britain


Interested in History and Ethnology research areas specifically on History of Disease, Health and Healing, Religion and ethnicity in Tanzania, History of Islam in Tanzania, Contemporary Islamic Movements in Tanzania, History of Infants and Childhood.


1. Socio-economic Changes on Women Enterpreneurs Movements in Tanzania during the COVID 19 Pandemic: Case of Makete District (with Dr. Nives Kinunda Ngulu (PI and Dr. Severine Kessy), University of Dar es Salaam Competitive Research Fund, 2020-2021


1. Hija Urassa. 2022. Book Review: Religions in Contemporary Africa. Ethnologia Actualis 22 (1), 145-149.

2. Hija Urassa. 2021. COVID-19 Control: Challenges and Responses on Muslims in Tanzania. Ethnologia Actualis 2 (2), 59-83

3. Ayo, S. L., & Urassa, H. 2020. Reflecting cultural heritage through architectural art in Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania. In: Ethnologické prapravy.- ISSN 1335-5074, Vol. 27, no. 2 (2020), p. 35-48.

4. Urassa, Hija. 2020. Corona virus pandemic: challenge to the advanced secondary school candidates in Tanzania. In Luis Gómez Chova, Augustín López Martínez , I. Candel Torres. – (eds). ICERI2020 Proceedings : 13th International conference of education, research and innovation. Valencia : IATED, 2020. - ISBN 978-84-09-24232-0. - ISSN 2340-1095. DOI 10.21125/iceri.2020, p. 7227-7234

5. Urassa, Hija.2022. Influence of Contemporary Islamic Reforms on Traditional Aspects among the Chagga of Hai District in North Eastern Tanzania. In Michaela Grznárová, Ondrej Hriadel, Dominika Kochanová, Tamara Mujkošová - 1st ed. - Trnava: University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, 2022. - ISBN 978-80-572-0245-5 (online), p. 87-105 [CD-ROM].

6. Urassa, H.2020. Influence of Socio-Cultural Beliefs in Leprosy Eradication and Identities of Leprosy Patients in Tanzania.Conference Proceedings, Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference Loquere 111. University of Cyril and Methodius, Trnava, ISBN 978-80-572-0067-3.p.78-88