Senior Lecturer, School Of Mines And Geosciences

Dr. rer. nat. (Martin-Luther Halle-Witternberg - Germany)



Exploration Geology and Environmental Geology,


Co-investigator in Geology and Geological Mapping of Carbonatites in the South-Western Tanzania, the host of Rare Earth Elements deposits.

Long-Term Joint EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy. LEAP-RE

Co-coordinator Tanzania Dutch Energy Capacity Building (TDECB), NICHE-TZA-260

Economical and efficient activated carbon production from organic waste for local chemical and processing industries in Tanzania, CONAS - GY20045






Dr. rer. nat. (Martin-Luther  Halle-Witternberg - Germany)

Specialised areas of teaching:

Remote Sensing & GIS, Applied Geochemistry, Crystallography


Research interests:

Exploration Geology and Environmental Geology,

Recent projects:

Co-investigator in Geology and Geological Mapping of Carbonatites in the South-Western Tanzania, the host of Rare Earth Elements deposits.

Long-Term Joint EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy. LEAP-RE

Co-coordinator Tanzania Dutch Energy Capacity Building (TDECB), NICHE-TZA-260

Economical and efficient activated carbon production from organic waste for local chemical and processing industries in Tanzania, CONAS - GY20045





Recent publications:

BN Mvile, EB Kiswaka, OO Osinowo, MM Nalogwa, EE Mshiu, OS Lemna, 2023. Geophysical analysis of the Tanga Basin, Northern Coastal Tanzania, based on gravity, aeromagnetic and 2D seismic data: implication for petroleum prospectivity, Journal of Sedimentary Environments, 1-14


EB Kiswaka, EE Mshiu, 2023. Mafia deep basin: basin development and petroleum system elements, Journal of Sedimentary Environments, 1-21.


EE Mshiu, EB Kiswaka, B Mohamed, 2022. Extensive salt deposition and remobilization influencing petroleum prospectivity of the Mandawa Basin: remote sensing manifestation confirmed by seismic results. Journal of Sedimentary Environments 7 (2), 147-162.


N Asnin, M Nnko, A Mahecha, E Mshiu, G Bertotti, M Brehme, 2022. Identification of water–rock interaction of surface thermal water in Songwe medium temperature geothermal area, Tanzania. Environmental Earth Sciences 81 (21), 513


Benatus Norbert Mvile, Emily Barnabas Kiswaka, Olawale Olakunle Osinowo, Isaac Muneji Marobhe, Abel Idowu Olayinka, Elisante Elisaimon Mshiu, 2021. Cretaceous–Quaternary seismic stratigraphy of the Tanga offshore Basin in Tanzania and its petroleum potential. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, pp. 1-20.


Vittorio Maselli, Davide Oppo, Andrew L Moore, Aditya Riadi Gusman, Cassy Mtelela, David Iacopini, Marco Taviani, Elinaza Mjema, Ernest Mulaya, Melody Che, Ai Lena Tomioka, Elisante Mshiu, Joseph D Ortiz (2020). A 1000-yr-old tsunami in the Indian Ocean points to greater risk for East Africa,Geology, vol.48, pp. 808-813.


B.S. Igulu and E.E. Mshiu, 2020. “Monitoring Impervious Surface Area Dynamics to Assess Urbanisation of a Catchment:Msimbazi River Valley Dar es Salaam, 1989 - 2015”.Tanzania Journal of Science, 46(2), 254-265. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/tjs/article/view/196282


Rob Hewson, Elisante Mshiu, Chris Hecker, Harald van der Werff, Frank van Ruitenbeek, Dinand Alkema, Freek van der Meer, 2020. The application of day and night time ASTER satellite imagery for geothermal and mineral mapping in East Africa. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 85 (4), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2019.101991.


B.S. Igulu and E.E. Mshiu, 2020. The impact of an urbanizing tropical watershed to the surface runoff. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 6(2), 245-260. https://www.gjesm.net/article_37757.html.


Elisante Elisaimon Mshiu, 2020. Mapping of the Geological Structures Using Digital Elevation Model (DEM) -Derived Flow Direction: A Case Study of Rungwe Volcanic Province, Southwest Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Science, 46(1), 101-115.


Kazimoto, E. O., & Mshiu, E. E. (2020). Reconnaissance assessment of the Stenian-Tonian granitoids of southern Tanzania for metal resources by using geological remote sensing and geochemical techniques. Chemie Der Erde, 80(1), 125533.


Elisante E. Mshiu and Kasanzu, C.H. (2021). Local Patterns of Renewable Energy Development Evolution: Game Changer (Chapter Book). Tema Publishers Co. Ltd. 380-393pp. ISBN 978 9987 25 057-2.


Elisante E. Mshiu & Makenya A. H. Maboko, 2021. Fast-Tracking Industrialization in Tanzania; The Must Do Actions, Chapter 14, The Role of the Tanzania Mineral Sector in Industrial Development Dar es salaam University Publishing, DUP, February 2021.