Senior Lecturer, Institute of Kiswahili Studies

BA, MA (Dar), Ph.D (Leipzig)


African Orature, Swahili Drama, Online Performance of Orature (Onrature).


Narrative and narrativity, performance, African Orature


Minstreaming Ethnic Proverbs in Swahili Verbal Art Performances. Awarded by the University of Dar es Salaam through the Directorate of Research and Publications, 2018

“Is Clearing Land for Women a Curse or Fertility? The Contribution of Migrant Labour in Empowering Women in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania” Meaning Making Research Initiatives (MRI). Awarded by CODESRIA (Together with Drs Nives Kinunda and Samuel Mhajida), 2019.

“Hachanjwi Mtu Hapa!” Investigating. COVID-19 Vaccine Narratives in Tanzania. Awarded by the University of Dar es Salaam through the Directorate of Research and Publications (Together with Drs Ernesta S. Mosha and Consolata R. Sulley), 2022.


Mnenuka, Angelus, Ngullu, Nives Kinunda and Mhajida, Samwel S. (2023) “The Curse or Fertility of Land Clearing: How Migrant Labour Modified Gender-Based Division of Labour in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania.” Africa Development, 47 (4): 53–75.

Mnenuka, Angelus (2022) “Ethnic Proverbs as Kiswahili Verbal Art Performance”. UTAFITI, Juz. 17: 254–270.

Mnenuka, Angelus (2022) “Dhima ya Fasihi ya Kiswahili katika Utangamano, Utambulisho wa Uafrika na Uatamizi wa Fasihi ya Kiafrika”. Katika P. Mtesigwa na E. Duwe (Wah.) Kiswahili katika Anga za Kimataifa.  TUKI & BAKITA: kur. 195–224.

Mnenuka, Angelus (2020) “Fluidity and Fixity of Performer, Audience and Performing Space”. UMMA, Vol. 1 (1): 37-54.

Mnenuka, Angelus (2020) “Wahusika Mizimu katika Ngano za Kiafrika: Mifano kutoka katika Ngano Tatu Teule”. Mulika, No. 39: 1-19.

Mnenuka, Angelus (2019) “Utendajipepe wa Fasihi Simulizi: Haja ya Kuwa na Tawi Jipya”. Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies. Special Issue on New Trends in Swahili Literature, Vol. 5 (3–4): 170-190.

Mnenuka, Angelus (2019) “Public Policy Challenges in Tanzania as Portrayed in Swahili Written Literature”. Kiswahili, Vol. 82:156-173.