Contact details
Title: Mr
Name: Zuvu Kitenge Hamisi
College/School/Division: Mbeya College of Health and Allied Sciences
Role: Library Assistant I
Current Summarised CV:

Zuvu Kitenge Hamisi is a Library Assistant I in the University of Dar es salaam, Mbeya college of health and allied sciences(UDSM-MCHAS).

Mr. Kitenge has worked at University of Dar es salaam since 2018 to date. He holds Ordinary Diploma in Library,Records and Information Studies(2016) from School of Library Archivies and Documentation Studies(SLADS).

His area of specialization are original and online cataloguing and classification of information materials (both electronic and print), shelve and shelf reading of library materials, spine labeling, records management, information literacy, database management, digitization of information materials and customer care skills.

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