Contact details
Title: Miss
Name: Stella Katunzi
College/School/Division: Mbeya College of Health and Allied Sciences
Role: Warden
Current Summarised CV:

Miss. Stella is a Warden at University of Dar es Salaam, Mbeya college of health and allied sciences(UDSM-MCHAS) with over 13 years working experience in different
teaching institutions. Her 6 years working experience was applied as a teacher in different
Secondary Schools located in Dar es Salaam region. The remained 7 years to date, she has
been working as a warden at the University of Dar es Salaam, Mbeya college of health and allied sciences(UDSM-MCHAS) Her
current position ,She has been practicing the following roles on her best capacity: Hall
Warden, supervisor of hall artisans, cleanliness and security companies, Processing and
issuing of NHIF cards, providing guidance and counselling to students with social,
psychological and academic problems, to perform several students admission activities,
dealing with activities related to Students’ organization (DARUSO). Having worked for a
long time with different stakeholders such as parents, teachers/lecturers and college students
has nourished her communication skills and improved her confidence in providing service to
the surrounding community.

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