Contact details
Title: Dr
Name: Luinasia Elikunda Kombe
College/School/Division: Dar Es Salaam University College Of Education
Role: Lecturer and Examination officer in the Department of Languages and Literature.
Current Summarised CV:

Dr. Luinasia Elikunda Kombe is a Lecturer in the Department of Languages and Literature. She teaches Kiswahili courses to both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Her areas of teaching include introduction to general linguistics in Kiswahili, the linguistic theory of syntax in Kiswahili, Kiswahili morphology, Kiswahili syntax, Kiswahili semantics and pragmatics, Kiswahili as a second/foreign language. Her research interests include the syntax, morphology and pragmatics of Bantu languages, second/foreign language teaching and learning, and Language and Gender.

Mobile: +255 754 54 31 54



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