Contact details
Title: Dr
Name: Ikupa Moses
College/School/Division: Dar Es Salaam University College Of Education
Role: Lecturer
Current Summarised CV:

Ikupa Moses is a lecturer and a teacher educator in the department of Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies. Ikupa has been a member of the Faculty of Education at DUCE since 2007, until that time, she worked as a secondary school teacher for eight years.  She holds a PhD in Teaching and Teacher Education from Leiden University in the Netherlands. Ikupa's Ph.D project investigated student-teachers' commitment to teaching. Based on the findings of her study she draws a conclusion that together with other roles teacher education plays in the making of a teacher, it has a very important role to instil and enhance commitment to the teaching profession among student teachers. Her passion for teaching takes her into research areas related to teaching and teacher education.


Mobile Phone: +255713401760

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