Contact details
Title: Dr
Name: Eugenia Joseph Kafanabo
College/School/Division: University of Dar es Salaam School of Education
Role: Senior lecturer, Dean
Current Summarised CV:

A Consultant, a Senior Lecturer and a member of the Department, Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies, at the School of Education, University of Dar es Salaam (Main Campus). Her research focus is on Science education and professional development of teachers, Curriculum studies in primary, secondary and teacher training colleges,  environmental education and climate change and gender issues.

Has conducted different consultancies with different organizations including Haki Elimu, UNESCO, DAAD, DANIDA, Ministry of Education, Maarifa ni Ufunguo, and Repoa. She has published more than 20 journal articles regionally and internationally, 4 book chapters and several project reports. Is  also well versed in qualitative methodologies and a bit of quantitative research and evaluation and also has supervised more than 80 Phd and Masters students since the year 2006, where more than 65 have graduated and are working in different fields of education.

Dr Eugenia Kafanabo, is currently the Dean, School of Education, University of Dar es Salaam

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