Contact details
Title: Miss
Name: Estelia Alfred Mwambene
College/School/Division: College of Social Sciences
Role: Assistant Lecturer
Current Summarised CV:

Estelia Mwambene, hold Master of Arts in Applied Social Psychology and is an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Her teaching  areas includes Counselling and Psychosocial studies, Organizational Behavior and Group work Theory and Practice. She is involved in provision of counselling services on social, educational problems, pre and marital issues and health related issues.


2019: Master of Arts in Applied Social Psychology–University of Dar es Salaam

2009: Bachelor of Counselling – University of Iringa

2004: Diploma in Education – Klerruu Teacher’s College

2000: Advance Level Education – Loleza Girls High School

1997: Ordinary -Level Education – Loleza Girls High School

Work  and professional Experience:

2020-To date: Assistant Lecturer-Sociology & Anthropology (Unit of Psychology)-    

                                                        University of Dar es Salaam

2021-To Date: Coordinator- Curriculum Review exercise (Unit of Psychology)- University of Dar es Salaam

2019-To Date: Carry out counselling services to students specifically within the department     and the university at large and outside the university

2019- 2020: Dean of Students and Tutor-Institute of Adult Education for Iringa and 

                                                                    Njombe Region

2018—2020:  Part-time Assistant Lecturer— (Faculty of Psychology) – Iringa University

2018-2020: School Quality Assurer- Mawelewele High School

2006 –2020: Secondary School Teacher (Chemistry and Biology)–Mawelewele High 


2004 – 2006: Secondary School Teacher (Chemistry and Biology)– Tagamenda Sec School.

Professional Details: View Professional Details