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Title: Dr
Name: Elikana Kalumanga Ngallaba
College/School/Division: College Of Natural And Applied Sciences
Role: Lecturer
Current Summarised CV:

Elikana Kalumanga works for the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) at the Department of Zoology and Wildlife Conservation. Dr. Kalumanga joined the UDSM in 2007 as the program officer for the MacArthur-funded project on ‘Managing Biodiversity in a Changing Climate in the Albertine Rift countries; Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and DR-Congo’ In year 2009, Dr. Kalumanga was fully-employed by the UDSM and coordinated different projects and research activities while stationed at the Institute of Resource Assessment (IRA).

Currently, Dr. Kalumanga is involved in teaching, research and consultancies on various topics related to biodiversity conservation, wildlife ecology and management, protected areas planning and management in Africa, ecosystem-based adaptation, and tourism management.  Since year 2016, Dr. Kalumanga is actively involved in different activities organized under the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).

At the national level, Elikana works very closely with different organizations including the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism (Tanzania National Parks-TANAPA; Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority-TAWA, Directorate of Planning). Elikana also works with various non-governmental institutions including the WWF- Tanzania Program Office, Jane Goodall Institute, Mpingo Conservation and Development Initiative, the Tanzania Private Sector Foundation etc. 

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