Contact details
Title: Mr
Name: Elias Saambiri Kainkwa
College/School/Division: Mbeya College of Health and Allied Sciences
Role: Head and Chief Librarian, Senior Library Officer I
Current Summarised CV:

Mr. Kainkwa is a  Head and Chief Librarian at the University of Dar es salaam, Mbeya college of Health and allied science(UDSM-MCHAS) Library Department since 2018 to date.

Was also appointed as the Social Sciences Section Supervisor in the Department of Library services at the University of Dar es salaam from June 2019 to November 2013

His area of specialization are a broad understanding of local, national and global information, development, library,
archived, and environmental issues buttressed with excellent research skills, both quantitative and
qualitative techniques, as well as strength in data collected develop communication and analysis
using SPSS program. Also in November 2007 to March 2008, Help the project officer create several proposals for the various project activities at TAWLAE (Tanzania Association Women Leaders in Agriculture
and Environment)

Skills in Computer programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Internet,
e-mail and SPSS.

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