Contact details
Title: Mrs
Name: Caroline Lussewa
College/School/Division: Dar Es Salaam University College Of Education
Role: Tutorial Assistant
Current Summarised CV:

Caroline Lussewa is a Tutorial Assistant at the Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE). She a Diploma in Secondary Education obtained from Morogoro Teachers’ College and a Bachelor of Arts with Education (Linguistics and Literature). Her teaching subjects are Literature and Linguistic teaching methods.  Before joining DUCE, she worked as a secondary school teacher at Morogoro Municipal Council for 11 years before joining DUCE.  She also worked as a secondary teacher at Kollahill Secondary School for 11 (2013-2018) years before she was transferred to Kikundi Primary School (inclusive school with special needs students) teaching English Language, vocational skills and civics and morals. She is highly interested in enhancing strategies in teaching Literature and improving students' learning of literature through reading books and involving critical thinking in interpreting literary works. Her main research interests are language in literature, literature and culture, and Literature teaching methodology.




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