Name: Razack B. Lokina, BA, MA (Dar), PhD (Gothenburg)
Title: Associate Professor and Head, Department of Economics, University of Dar es Salaam
Areas of Specialization:
Environmental and natural resources Economics, Poverty and Analysis, Behavioral Economics, Project Appraisal
- Selejio, S., R.B. Lokina and Mduma, J.K. (2018) Smallholder Agricultural Production Efficiency of Adopters and Nonadopters of Land Conservation Technologies in Tanzania. Journal of Environment & Development 0(0) 1-27: DOI: 10.1177/1070496518770235
- Kulindwa, Y.J; R. Lokina; E.O. Ahgrene (2018) Driving forces for households' adoption of improved cooking stoves in rural Tanzania Energy Strategy Reviews 20:102-112DOI 10.1016/j.esr.2017.12.005
- Telemu, K., P.B. Mmbando, R. Lokina,&, P. Mujinja, (2017) Perceptions of caretakers with different socioeconomic status about the harmful outcomes of fever in under-five children in Dodoma region, central Tanzania: a cross-sectional study (Alexandria Journal of Medicine Vol. xxxx2017xxx-xxx).
- Onesmo, S; Lokina R.B&Mduma J. K. (2017) Small-holder Agricultural production efficiency of adopters and non-adopters of land conservation technologies in Tanzania (JED-17-0112) Under review
Journal of Environment and Development
- John,I; H. Egelyng and R. Lokina (2016)Tanzanian Food Origins and Protected Geographical Indications, (Future Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society 4(2), 6-12)
- Lokina, R.B. & G. Mwanjela (2016) What does it take to be heard in Managing Marine Protected Areas? Insights from Tanzania Coastal Communities (African Journal of Economic Review, Vol (IV)(1) January 2016)
Email: or
Mobile: +255784 574 369
Skype: razack.lokina