Gerald Mugisha Mujuni Kibira Bio

Name: Gerald Mugisha Mujuni Kibira, B.A. (Dar), M.A. (Dar)
Title: Assistant Lecturer
Contact Information:
Cell Phone          + 255 689429554
E – Mail Address:

Teaching Areas:
•    Microeconomics
•    Macroeconomics
•    Quantitative Methods and
•    Natural Resources and Environmental Economics

Research Areas:
•    Economics of Wildlife Tourism
•    Bioeconomic modelling

•    Economic Management, Planning and Policy Analysis

Behavioral Economics
•    Natural Resources and Environmental Economics

On-going work


  1. With Muchapondwa, E.& Ntuli, H. (2019) “Working Paper submitted to Economic Research Southern Africa. (ERSA)” A paper titled the optimal combination of livestock production and wildlife conservation on the Serengeti ecosystem


  1. With Muchapondwa, E.& Ntuli, H. (2019)“Environment for Development” The optimal combination of livestock production and wildlife conservation on the Serengeti ecosystem presented on the Environment Annual Workshop held at Bogota on 22nd November to 25th November 2019, Colombia.


  1. With Muchapondwa, E. (2018) “Environment for Development” A paper titled The Recreational Value of Serengeti National Park in Tanzania (The Travel Cost Approach) presented on the Environment Annual Workshop held at Hanoi on 1st November to 5th November 2018, Vietnam.



  1. With Muchapondwa, E. (2016) “Environment for Development” A paper titled The Recreational Value of Serengeti National Park in Tanzania (The Travel Cost Approach) presented on the Environment Annual Workshop held at Addis Ababa on 31 1st October to 5th November 2017, Ethiopia.


  1. With Muchapondwa, E. (2016) “Environment for Development” A paper titled The Recreational Value of Serengeti National Park in Tanzania (The Travel Cost Approach) presented on the Environment Annual Workshop held at Pucon on 10th November 2016, Chile.


  1. With Muchapondwa, E. (2015) ““Environment for Development” A paper titled The Recreational Value of Serengeti National Park in Tanzania (The Travel Cost Approach) presented on the Environment Annual Workshop held at Marriot Hotel on 6th November 2015, Shanghai, China.


  1. With Muchapondwa, E. “The Structure and Level of Entrance fee in Serengeti National Park in Tanzania” A manuscript for publication (Work in Progress).
  2. With Muchapondwa, E.& Ntuli H. “The optimal combination of livestock production and wildlife conservation on the Serengeti ecosystem” A manuscript for publication (Work in Progress).