The University offers training to local and international students ranging from Certificate to PhD. Figure 1 provides the current status where 64% of University programmes are postgraduate programmes and undergraduate constitute 36%. Large portion of up to 83.5% overall studentsenrolment are undergraduates (24,313), and rest is PG population (4,812) which is standing at 16.5%. This is according to the last year (2016/17) enrolment. It should be noted that the Country is witnessing remarkable expansion of higher education placing a consequential call for strong postgraduate training as demand for university lecturers has been on the increase. As clearly stated in the UDSM Vision 2061 (page 9), in future, more institutional effort will be directed towards strengthening PG training. Appropriate capacity will be developed for staff, infrastructure and academic programs to match the expanded demand of quality and competitive PG training. Detailed data on programmes are presented in Table A1 in Appendix A.