Welcome to UDSM ICT Services Department!
University of Dar es Salaam ICT Services are provided by University of Dar es Salaam Computing Centre (UCC) via UDSM ICT Services Department.
The UDSM ICT Services department works in collaboration with systems Administrators in UDSM various Schools,Colleges and Departments and so for any ICT related issues one is advised to contact systems administrators available in ones area of work.
You can as well use Help Desk Support system to report your issue
For direct contact to UCC,We can be found through:
University of Dar es Salaam Computing Centre building, Room 108, Tel: 2410645 /Ext 2733, Mobile: 0754782120 or 0784555645, Fax: 2410690, Email: support@udsm.ac.tz
You may also contact the following directly:
Engineer On Duty Mobile:0716216308 ,Email:support@udsm.ac.tz