Welcome to DSS

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Directorate of Social Services website. This website platform provides information on various services offered by the Directorate of Social Services to the University community. The Directorate of Social Services was established in the 232nd meeting of the University of Dar es Salaam Council held on 6th November 2015 where the new organization structure for central administration departments was approved.


The Directorate of Social Services aims to promote wellbeing of the University community by  ensuring  that  students and staff are healthy, inspired and motivated in  performing  their  roles  in order to  ultimately  realize  the University of Dar es Salaam  Vision  and  Mission and their individual full potential. The Directorate of Social Services ensures smooth delivery of health care, counselling services, and coordinates sports and games activities at the University of Dar es Salaam. The units under the directorate of social services are:

  1. University Health Centre, which aims at providing high quality, responsive and sustainable health service delivery in line with the national health policy. The Centre offers a wide range of preventive, curative and rehabilitative health services to University community and general public. The Centre also runs dispensaries located at Mabibo student’s hostel, the Institute of Marine Sciences-Zanzibar and a health post at H.E. Dr. J. P. Magufuli Hostels, School of Journalism and Mass Communication-Kijitonyama and College of Information, Communication and Technologies.


  1. Sports and games that aim to promote overall health and success. There a variety of competitive sports and recreational activities organized where students and staff are encouraged to participate. Sports facilities available include football pitches, swimming pool, netball, volleyball, tennis and basketball courts and cricket pitch among others. There is also a University gym where aerobics are offered on daily basis.


  1. Counselling Unit which is newly established unit that aims to offer counselling services targeting health  related  concerns/challenges; academic(teaching  and  learning and research )  concerns/challenges; psycho-social  concerns /challenges and economic and financial concerns/challenges. The unit works closely with sub units at the health Centre and at the Dean of students office to offer guidance and counseling to students.


  1. Health Insurance services are provided in collaboration with national responsible units to ensure ease and quality in acquisition of health services


I am welcoming you all to access our facilities and services. Thank you for visiting us.


Dr. Mwajuma Vuzo